What is the running time for the disjoint set data structure? — Due to merging smaller disjoint sets into larger ones (called union by rank) (during union) and performing path compression (during find), the amortized time per operation is only O(alpha(n)), where alpha(n) is the inverse of the function and A is the extremely fast-growing Ackermann function. Since alpha(n) is the inverse of this function, alpha(n) is less than 5 for all remotely practical values of n. Thus, the amortized running time per operation is effectively a small constant. The worst-case for find() is Theta(log u) where u is the number of unions, and no finds have been done to allow for path compression yet.

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Google Interview

This flashcard deck made by jwasham contains knowledge about google interview. For more details, please follow https://github.com/jwasham/google-interview-university
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