Pareidolia — A vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) is perceived as significant, e.g., seeing images of animals or faces in clouds, the man in the moon, and hearing non-existent hidden messageson records played in reverse.

picture loading error handler
117 thought(s)117

114 Decision-making and behavioral biases

Often we are faced with situations where our intuition misguides us. Cognitive biases are systematic patterns of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment. Many of these biases affect belief formation, business and economic decisions, and human behavior in general.
Cognitive biases
behaviorlal bias

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Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen
Roland Koehnen